Modules & inrichtingen

StoreVan – bedrijfswageninrichtingen, oprijrampen, vloeren en wanden, ladder- en dakdragers, allen “Italian-made & designed”- laat u kennis maken met de beste modules voor bestelwagens. Ondernemers met de intentie op het maximaliseren van hun investeringen kiezen voor Storevan. StoreVan is wereldwijd de enige LCV’s bedrijfswageninrichting fabrikant die gebruik maakt van auto-galvannealed staalplaat, dit verleent aan de modules van het stellingsysteem een zeer hoge kwaliteit van het oppervlak en een opmerkelijke weerstand tegen corrosie. Dankzij de jarenlange ervaring, de nauwe samenwerking met de gebruiker en het R&D ontwerpbureau van Storevan zijn we altijd in staat om een op maat gemaakte oplossing aan te bieden, hierbij behandelen we elk aspect tot in de kleinste details.
Neem contact met ons op voor een gepersonaliseerde offerte op maat.

Storage Up
Telescopic and fixed tray with hinged side door. Available for modules:
Width: from 717 to 4153 mm
Depht: 265 / 365 mm
Height: 90 mm dal veicolo.

Storage Top
Top tray with aluminium divider. Available for modules:
Width: 299 / 508 / 717 / 1016 / 1225 / 1524 / 1733 / 1942 / 2032 mm
Depht: 265 / 365 / 445 mm
Height: 75 mm

Storage Plus
Trays with aluminium dividers. Available for modules:
Width: 508 / 717 / 1016 / 1225 / 1524 / 1733 / 1942 / 2032 mm
Depht: 265 / 365 / 445 mm
Front height: 73 mm
Back height : 146 mm

Storage Window
Shelves available for modules (Available with or without polypropylene containers):
Width: 508 / 717 / 1016 / 1225 / 1524 mm
Depht: 265 / 365 / 445 mm
Height: 50 mm

Storage Easy
It can be used in both directions as a support surface or as a lid. It makes the module further stronger. Available for modules:
Width: 508 / 717 / 1016 / 1225 / 1524 mm
Depht: 265 / 365 / 445 mm
Height: 50 mm

Storage Van
Shelf with 100 mm high rear protection and 25 mm frontal profile. Available for modules:
Width: 508 / 717 / 1016 / 1225 / 1524 mm
Depht: 265 / 365 / 445 mm
Back Height: 100 mm

Drawer S5
Fully extractable drawers with a 50 Kg. Easy and intuitive one hand opening with handle operated opening and closing safety stop. Wide range of dividing options of the drawers by means of plastic or metal accessories. Available for modules:
Width: 508 / 717 / 1016 / 1225 mm
Depht: 365 / 445 mm
Drawer Front heigh: 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 / 200 mm

Drawer S4
Fully extractable drawers with a 40 Kg. Elements constructed with a highly resistant and load bearing tubular system. Ergonomic plastic handles with possible key locking on request.Available for modules:
Width: 365 / 445 / 508 / 717 mm
Drawer Front heigh: 100 / 150 mm

Case Plus
Extractable shelves for one or two tool cases with the possibility of introducing tool cases with different heights
and depths.
Width: 508mm
Depht: 365 / 445 mm
Height: 18 mm

Case Easy
Fixed tool case holder for one or two cases. Available for modules:
Width: 508 mm
Depht: 365 mm

Door Top
Lifting doors with assisted opening.
Available for modules:
Width: 508 / 717 / 1016 / 1225 / 1524 mm
Height utile: 350 / 400 mm

Door Plus
Lifting doors with assisted opening. Available for modules:
Width: 508 / 717 / 1016 / 1225 / 1524 mm
Height: 200 mm

Door Easy
Hinged doors with floor fitting or shelf fitting. Easy and intuitive one hand handle opening. Available for modules:
Width: 508 / 717 / 1016 / 1225 / 1524 mm
Height utile: 200 / 375 mm

Roll Plus
Storage compartment with shutter closure. Available for modules:
Width: 508 / 717 / 1016 / 1225 mm
Height utile: 450 / 650 / 825 mm

Frame Top
Divider, suitable also for a further stabilization of the shelving. Available for modules:
Width: 423 / 508 / 580 / 717 / 1016 / 1225 / 1524 mm
Height: 24 mm

Frame Easy
Crossbar for the storage of goods on the back of the racking system. Along with the case holder with adjustable straps, the bar can be used to anchor the goods in the cargo area. Available for modules:
Width: 508 / 717 / 1016 / 1225 / 1524 / 1733 / 1942 / 2032 mm

Work Top
Lifting vice benches with floor support. Possibility of adjusting the work bench in height.
Top Width: 240 / 340 mm
Depht: 950 mm

Work Easy
Extractable 37 mm thick multi-ply beech vice benches.
Available for modules:
Width: 717 / 1016 / 1225 / 1524 mm
Depht: 265 / 365 / 445 mm

Work Look
Perforated wall where you can place various accessories, such as for example, transparent organizer boxes, as represented in the photo. Available for modules:
Width: 717 / 1016 / 1225 mm
Height: 280 / 340 / 420 / 700 mm

Work Wood
25 mm thick multi-ply beech work tops. Available for modules:
Width: 508 / 717 / 1016 / 1225 / 1524 mm
Depht: 365 / 445 mm

Practibox-containers in transparent plastic with frontal opening and safety guard.

Protection Top
Rear protection. Available for modules:
Width: 508 / 717 / 1016 / 1225 / 1524 mm
Height: 100 / 125 / 300 mm

Athena Easy
Case holder for Athena boxes. Available for modules:
Width: 508 mm
Depht: 365 mm

Side Frame
The shelving for vans from StoreVan revolutionise the space in commercial vehicles. The planning of modules with drawer opening towards the side doors allows the handling of the equipment inside the drawers directly from the outside of the vehicle and eliminates any time-wasting activities, such as the up and down into the van.